THEME: "Non-Violence: A Test of Christian Maturity"
In today's gospel reading (Matt. 5:38-48), Jesus continues his teaching on the Law with the antithesis. In today's pericope, he engages the Jewish justice system of retaliation also called the _lex talionis_(the law of retaliation): 'an eye for an eye'. We may not fully appreciate this law if we relate with it in isolation from its ancient Israelite context that is in sharp contrast with today's justice system. Certain passages in the Old Testament indicate that this system was efficient for entrenching justice and fairness (see Deuteronomy 19:21). This was meant to ensure that damages, whether intentional or unintentional (Lev. 24:20; Ex. 21:24), were paid for in a manner that is not arbitrary. However it neither prohibits vengeance nor checks the possibility of war and conflict. In the same way, Jesus engages the law of love for neighbour which is captured in the first reading (Lev. 19:1-2.17-18). He finds this law equally myopic as it limits the practice of love to one's neighbour which in this sense is one's kinsman or family member.