St. Hector's Catholic Prayer Group Welcomes You With The Peace of Christ

Wednesday 31 August 2016

Catholic Priest Beaten To State Of Coma in Obubo Anambra State

A tragic incident took place yesterday as Youths of Obubo community in Anambra State attacked a Priest, Rev. Father Fidelis Ifeanyichukwu Ugozo of the St. Raphael’s Catholic Church in Ugbenu, Awka North Local Government Area of Anambra State, beating him to a state of coma.

Eucharistic precession

The rampaging youths led by their leader, Gabriel Ikegbunam are said to be Idol worshipers.

According to Anambra Broadcasting Service, (ABS),the priest and some of his followers were carrying out a rosary procession around some of the villages when they were stopped by one of the youth leaders in the village, Gabriel Ikegbunam, who felt the clergyman and his followers were out to burn down their deity.

Monday 29 August 2016

Understanding Mercy Means Awareness of Sin

To appreciate God's mercy, one must recognize one's own sinfulness, Pope Francis told an audience of American bishps on August 27.

Pope Francis

“For all our sins, our limitations, our failings, for all the many times we have fallen, Jesus has looked upon us and drawn near to us," the Pope said. "He has given us his hand and showed us mercy.” 

A Jihadist Attacks A Catholic Priest And Attempted To Detonate Suicide Bomb During Sunday Mass

According to the Daily Mail, an 18-year-old Jihadist attempted to detonate a homemade bomb during Mass.

The 18 yr old jihadist apprehended by the police

However, the bomb burned without igniting, prompting the boy to use an axe. The teen rushed 60-year-old Priest Albert Pandiangan and managed to slash his arm before the congregation separated the two.
Members of the St. Yoseph Church in Medan, Indonesia wrested the axe from the teen and successfully detained him until authorities could arrive.

Wednesday 17 August 2016

The Church Needs Missionaries, Not Managers, Says Pope Francis

Reflecting on Christ’s words, “I have come to set the earth on fire, and how I wish it were already blazing” (Lk. 12:49), Pope Francis called upon the faithful to be open to the fire of the Holy Spirit.

Pope Francis

“If we open ourselves totally to the Holy Spirit, He will give us the audacity and fervor to proclaim to all Jesus and His consoling message of mercy and salvation,” the Pope told the crowds gathered in St. Peter’s Square for his August 14 Sunday Angelus address.